Transitions can bring challenges

  • Published
  • By Chaplain (Lt. Col.) David Leist
  • 445th Airlift Wing Chaplain Corps
Several professional athletes have suffered career ending injuries. They had devoted their life, and a boat load of energy, to their sport.  Be it baseball, football, basketball or even another sport like golf, swimming or bowling these individuals spent time, effort and talent in their craft.

One of these individuals, Chris Sanders, often speaks to groups about his transition times in life. In 1994 he was named Ohio State Athlete of the year across all sports. In 2014, as team coach, he led his high school football team to the Tennessee state championship. 

While speaking to a group of military veterans, he shared that although he had never experienced combat he understood the pressure of transition. He shared with the group that the key to transitioning into a new way of living is to reach out and get help.

You may have experienced the loss of a job, the loss of a marriage, a serious illness or injury, a major financial crisis or some other setback. You understand that major life changes bring about challenges. 

The book of Joshua may be recommended reading whenever you find yourself in transition.

God told Joshua to be strong and courageous. He had wandered in the wilderness for 40 years attempting to assist Moses in leading the followers to the Promised Land.  Moses had provided direction and had died. Joshua was now in charge. He was faced with the challenges of crossing the Jordan River and directing the people against the enemy on the other side.

The Lord's charge and promise to Joshua at that time has application to us as well:

"Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

You may be feeling alone and troubled. Know that the 445th Airlift Wing Chaplain Corps is there to assist you through times of transition whatever they may be and wherever they may lead.