Reservists train to take care of patients in the air
The 932nd Airlift Wing's Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES), flew aboard a busy medical training flight August 22, 2020, at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.. Reserve Citizen Airmen, Technical Sgt. Ian Warrior and Master Sgt. Brandi Seibel, speak about the mission before loading gear on a C-17 aircraft, provided by the 445th Airlift Wing, a reserve unit visiting from Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Once inside, Airmen reviewed Air Force Instructions covering various medical issues.
The aeromedical training featured interaction and communication between medical personnel and loadmasters, taking care of equipment, reacting to training scenarios and simulated patients aboard the plane, just as they would if deployed. (U.S. Air Force photos by Lt. Col. Stan Paregien)