445th Airlift Wing photo studio set up. (Photo by Amanda Dick)

Public Affairs: Official Photos


official photo requests

The 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office can provide AW members with the following studio services: official head and shoulder, award head and shoulder, and full length.

Studio Hours
During the week
Mondays through Thursdays
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Services are by appointment only

UTA weekends
Saturdays & Sundays
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Services are by appointment only


  • Official photos are considered “head and shoulders photos” in which the subject is positioned beside a U.S. flag in front of a gray background. These photos are typically used for biographies, chain of command walls, award packages and developmental special duty applications.
  • Award head and shoulders have the subject positioned beside a U.S. flag in front of a light blue background. These photos are typically taken during Annual Awards Season.
  • Full length photos show a subject at the position of attention in uniform in front of a while background with the subject visible from head to toe. These photos are typically used for DSD applications, special assignment applications and Annual Awards Season.
  • If you need to change into your uniform, arrive in uniform or 15 to 20 minutes prior to your appointment time
  • Your uniform and appearance must be in compliance with AFI 36-2903.
  • The 445th AW Public Affairs Office does not have the capability to take passport and ISOPREP photos. To schedule those, please contact the 88th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office at (937) 522-3252.


  • Male hair bulk: not to exceed 2.5 inches in bulk
  • Eyelashes: not to exceed 14 millimeters in length or touch the member’s eyebrow and will be female Airman’s natural eyelash color
  • Mustache: will not extend below lip line of upper lip and no more than 1/4-inch beyond vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth
  • Eyeliner: cannot extend past the corners of the opening (i.e. winged liner not authorized)


  • Appointments must be made with Public Affairs for all official photos.
  • Please fill out the Form 833 and email it to 445aw.pa2@us.af.mil. Fill out the highlighted portions only. Please download the form and open in a PDF reader, enabling all features, for the form to work properly.
  • Official photos are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.