GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Labor Day, often celebrated, rarely recognized.
Americans across the nation celebrate Labor Day, associating it with the last weekend of the summer and the start of each school year. They invite friends, have barbeques, shop, and send the summer off with a weekend of fun.
During this weekend, stay safe, avoid large gatherings, wear a mask, and adhere to other COVID-19 precautions. If you plan to drink, have a wingman and a plan, wear your seatbelt or helmet. We might take a weekend off of work, but we can’t take a weekend off of being vigilant. Mask wear is required when social distancing is not possible and in groups larger than 10 people. If you are grilling, ensure you have adequate supplies to extinguish a flame if it is out of control. Stay hydrated, weekend temperatures will be in the mid 90’s.
It’s easy to get lost in the barbeque, the thrill of the weekend, and the company of friends. This Labor Day, turn off all connections to your daily grind and celebrate your one given time off. It’s essential that we recognize the importance of this holiday and how it came to be.
Labor Day is dedicated to the hard-earned achievements of American workers. The sacrifices they made for a more fair workplace and a stronger, more united America.