WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — The Air Force has implemented a new biometric-identification system at multiple bases across the country.
The technology “streamlines the visitor pass process and decreases foot traffic” at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s Visitor Center, said Tech. Sgt. Joseph Guy, with the 88th Security Forces Squadron. The new system took effect last week.
Developed by the Air Force Security Forces Center, the Defense Biometric Identification System Visitor Enrollment System integrates with the access-control system currently used by security forces personnel on military bases. Visitors complete registration through the pre-enrollment website at https://dbids-global-enroll.dmdc.mil, or scan the QR code to access.

Upon entering all personal and sponsor information, visitors will be provided a unique QR and alphanumeric code that they give to the sponsor, along with a scanned copy of their driver’s license. The sponsor will then email that information to the Pass and Registration Office on the visitor’s behalf.
Recognizing that issuing passes the traditional way is no longer efficient, AFSFC staff began looking at new ways to manage the program, Air Force officials said. That led to the DVES concept becoming a reality.
If the visitor does not have a Defense Biometric Identification Data System profile (for example, he or she was never issued a pass at WPAFB), Guy said the individual will have to report to Bldg. 286 (Pass & Registration Office) for DBIDS profile creation, biometrics (fingerprint and photograph), and a background check.
Once the profile is created, the visitor will no longer have to stop at Bldg. 286. That’s only necessary for first-time visitors, he added.
If the base visitor already has a profile (previously issued pass), he or she and the sponsor can finish the pre-enrollment process from a computer or mobile device and send the QR or alphanumeric code to 88SFS.S5P.Pass-Registration@us.af.mil.
The Pass and Registration Office will process the request within two duty days and send the completed pass to the sponsor. Sponsors have the option to print or email the pass to a visitor. If any discrepancies arise, the sponsor will be notified via email.
The Base Visitor Request System will remain in place as an additional alternative for online visitor passes, Guy said. Only Wright-Patterson AFB personnel with a government email and Common Access Card can use BVRS. The link can be found at https://guest-request.wpafb.af.mil.
For questions, contact the Pass and Registration Office at 937-257-6264 or 88SFS.S5P.Pass-Registration@us.af.mil.