WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – Wright-Patterson Air Force Base transitioned to Health Protection Condition Charlie on Feb. 11, as the four key performance indicators used to determine local threat levels have greatly improved.
Col. Patrick Miller, 88th Air Base Wing and installation commander, addressed the base on Facebook Live concerning the latest COVID-19 situation update. He was joined by Maj. (Dr.) Brydon Manning, the 88th Medical Group’s Public Health Flight commander; Col. Christian Lyons, 88 MDG commander; and Lt. Col. Roberson Hill, 88th Mission Support Group deputy commander.
The installation also remains in a public health emergency through March 21, with a continued emphasis on optimizing telework.
“I want to explain what led to the decision to move into HPCON Charlie,” Miller said. “Fortunately, we saw the numbers of positive cases have come down and come down fast.”
Miller said determining factors include rates for new COVID-19 cases, percent positivity and hospital capacity, both on and off WPAFB, which all have dropped considerably.
As he takes these factors under consideration, the safety and security of those on base and within the surrounding areas remain the highest priority.
“This time a month ago, our public health team was tracking over 1,000 cases per day. Today, we are at 250 new cases per day,” Miller said. “More importantly, our hospital community is doing much better. A huge ‘thank you’ goes out to them for taking care of our families and teammates. We are thrilled to see ourselves on the other side of this.”
Base facility operations
Hill addressed COVID-19 restrictions regarding Child Development Center and School Age Program operations. He also confirmed the Army & Air Force Exchange Service is open.
“It is open and ready for business, to include dine-in options,” he said.
He said all eligible beneficiaries are welcome to use Wright-Patterson AFB fitness centers. The capacity is 100 patrons for Jarvis and Dodge gyms and 200 at Wright Field Fitness Center.
An update was given to CDCs regarding their new operations.
“They are open and will continue to operate within public health emergency officer-recommended ratios and guidance,” Hill said. “Parental visits and interactions will be limited to brief drop-off and pickup.”
The CDCs will reinstate fees Feb. 28.
For more information regarding CDC or fitness centers, visit the 88th Force Support Squadron website at www.wrightpattfss.com.
WPAFB leaders encourage everyone to continue mitigation efforts such as washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing.
CDC updates for quarantine, isolation
Those who have been exposed to the virus, even if no symptoms are present, should quarantine, according to the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Those with or without COVID-19 symptoms who test positive should isolate from others.
For people with mild symptoms, isolation can be discontinued five days after their appearance or a positive test, fever resolution for 24 hours without assistance from medication or improvement in other conditions.
COVID appointments
Lyons said individuals looking to schedule a COVID-19 test or vaccine appointment should still contact Wright-Patterson Medical Center.
“Thank you to all our caregivers out there,” he added. “We have done well to fight the good fight, but it has been a tough one.”
To schedule a test, call 937-52-COVID (2-6843). For a vaccine appointment, call 937-257-SHOT (7468).
Stay current on updates
Follow the Wright-Patterson AFB Facebook page @wpafb to stay up to date on base and Medical Center operations.
To watch the Feb. 16 Facebook town hall, visit www.facebook.com/WPAFB/videos/654275239190634.
If you have follow-up questions or concerns, email 88abw.pa@us.af.mil or call 937-522-3252.