WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio is getting an upgrade to computer desktops.
AFNET Enterprise is scheduled to push out a large upgrade to your desktop starting on Aug. 8. This will update Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access and other applications.
This enables full connectivity to OneDrive, Teams and Microsoft 365 Online, as well as eliminates many of the issues observed over the last year.
“This is the long awaited completion of the M365 rollout for AFNET NIPR that started more than two years ago,” said Lt. Col. Timothy Adams, 88th Communications Squadron commander. “This enables the user to access all of their information securely and edit it either via a desktop app or the web browser.”
This technology will give Team Wright-Patt the ability to access their work files from anywhere in the world as long as they have a computer and a connection to the internet.
“OneDrive is now the location for your workspace,” said Adams. “This is where you store your work, your desktop and your local files, which follows you through your career. No more burning CDs or DVDs during a transfer to a new job.”
Additional update information as well as infographics and cheat sheets are located on Everything Comm and Microsoft's support site:
Everything Comm M365 article: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/20852/EC/SitePages/Office.aspx
MS guides and cheat sheets: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office-cheat-sheets-61abfe7b-1c43-483c-b82b-3806d80e027e
The 88th Force Support Squadron is working with education and training to develop courses for Wright-Patt and will have those available over the coming weeks.
As always, if you experience issues with the enterprise push or have questions regarding the install please contact your unit cyber liaison.