WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Leading up to Women’s Equality Day on Aug. 26, the 88th Air Base Wing will be celebrating the women who played vital roles in achieving victory and progress for the nation.
This year’s theme is “The Reflection of Equality is YOU!”
“We have the opportunity — and the responsibility — to create a society that gives everybody the dignity and respect we hope to receive,” said Sherita Smith, 88 ABW Special Observance Committee member and the 88th Force Support Squadron’s workforce development chief. “Equality reflects celebrated differences.”
The committee has a lineup of immersive opportunities Aug. 26 to learn more:
Leadership Panel & Breakfast, 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the USO Auditorium
Register at https://forms.osi.apps.mil/r/nEqYMz1SG1
Women will share their journey and story on how they got to where they are. A Q&A session will follow. Seating is limited to 41 attendees. Register to reserve your place for this dynamic discussion.
Festival, 2 to 5 p.m. at the USO Auditorium
This event is open to the Wright-Patt community. No registration is required. There will be vendors and entertainment.
Guided tour at National Museum of the U.S. Air Force: morning session (9:30 to 11:30 a.m.), afternoon session (noon to 2 p.m.)
Register at https://forms.osi.apps.mil/r/iL6qX5nhwL
Come join us as we learn about “Women in the Air Force: From Yesterday into Tomorrow.” The tour will be led by a docent covering historical issues, changes in laws and attitudes, and women's contributions. Specific women and groups from all eras and various career fields are highlighted to emphasize the impact they have played in establishing current female positions in the Air Force.
Self-guided Scavenger Hunt – all month long! The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force has a printable version of the Scavenger Hunt sheet at: www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=BbLi8zntTDo%3d&portalid=7