445th Airlift Wing March Spotlight Performer

  • Published
  • 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Rank/Name: Master Sgt. Patrick O'Reilly

Unit: 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Duty Title: Public Affairs su­perintendent/photojournalist

Hometown: Military brat. I was born in Zaragoza, Spain and graduated high school in River­side, Ohio.

Civilian Job: Public Affairs as­sistant

Education: Associate degrees in fine arts and geography at Sin­clair Community College; Associate degrees in fitness, recreation, and services manage­ment and public affairs at Com­munity College of the Air Force

Hobbies: Photography, art, food (eating and cooking), movies, video games, camping and volun­teering with art venues in Yellow Springs and Dayton.

Career Goal: Retire from the re­serve and civilian position. I plan to develop my own photography and art business and travel be­fore I wither and die.

What do you like about work­ing at the 445th? The mis­sion, the people and the adven­ture. I enjoy taking photos of Airmen in action, showcasing what they do to a learning audi­ence.

Why did you join the Air Force? Not sure. I went into the services career field with the 178th Fighter Wing, Ohio Air National Guard in Springfield, and later cross-trained into public affairs. After the 178th lost the fighter mission I trans­ferred to the 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs office. After four deployments, 10 years of honor guard, and many TDYs I can say that I have received a con­siderable amount of life experi­ence. The people and the adven­tures experienced throughout my military career is, in hind­sight, why I joined and is why reasons were developed as to why I just never left.