Buckeye Tigers visit 445th Airlift Wing

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  • 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Approximately 40 young members of Buckeye Tigers visited the 445th Airlift Wing July 10, 2024. During their visit, the group toured a 445th AW C-17 Globemaster III, received a briefing by an Air Force recruiter about career fields offered in the Air Force and what it’s like to serve in the military. They also met with Col. Michael Baker, 445th Operations Group commander, who spoke about and answered their questions about serving in the Air Force Reserve.

The Buckeye Tigers Aviation Program is an aviation organization focused on exposing young adults in middle and high school to various aviation careers in the Columbus and greater Central Ohio region.  Members get to experience actual flight in a real single engine airplane as the culminating event of OBAP’s (Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals) sponsored A.C.E. (Aviation Career Education) Academy.