445th AW February Spotlight Performer

  • Published
  • 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Rank/Name: Staff Sgt. Cleansman Iguade

Unit: 445 Aeromedical Staging Squadron

Duty Title: Medical logis­tics technician

Hometown: Edo, Benin City, Nigeria

Civilian Job: FedEx Secu­ritas

Education: I am an un­dergraduate student in my final year at Purdue University in Indiana, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer information technology with a concentration in information se­curity.

Hobbies: Playing pickup soccer

Career Goal: To pursue a mas­ter’s degree in business admin­istration, with plans to take the Armed Forces Qualification Test to transition into cybersecurity within the U.S. Air Force. Ulti­mately, I aim to go active duty once everything aligns.

What do you like about working at the 445th? I enjoy working at the 445th because the leadership provides a balanced ap­proach, offering both disci­pline and the time needed for young Airmen to grow. There are numerous op­portunities available to ev­eryone, and leadership is always accessible to help guide you onto the right path.

Why did you join the Air Force? I joined to actively con­tribute, learn and connect with the American people, while also taking advantage of the valuable benefits offered.