Wing announces 4th Quarter CY 2024 award winners

  • Published
  • 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The 445th Airlift Wing has announced the 4th Quarter CY 2024 award winners.

Capt. Devona Bithos, 445th Aeromedical Evac­uation Squadron officer in charge of resource man­agement, is the 445th Air­lift Wing Company Grade Officer of the Quarter. Bithos overhauled duty titles for 120 members, led strategic modifica­tion of 124-unit manning documents, 55 duty titles and 20 individual up­dates, resulting in a 25% increase in operational effectiveness. The captain directed the management of a $1.1 million travel budget and $300,000 in travel vouchers, imple­menting resource opti­mization that ensured 100% mission support, directly advancing the wing’s mission objectives and strategic goals. Bith­os led a high-performing 10-member team in pro­cessing 89 performance evaluations and 11 dec­orations, resulting in a 30% boost in efficiency and a 70% reduction in turnaround time for per­sonnel records. She also coordinated a cookout for 50 veterans and their families at a Veterans Af­fairs Veterans House.

Tech. Sgt. Charles Swaim, 445th Mainte­nance Squadron aircraft structural maintenance craftsman, is the 445th Airlift Wing NCO of the Quarter. Swaim revital­ized the work center’s consolidated tool room where he developed a systematic approach to the inventory, inspection and tracking on 395 kits. His efforts corrected 56 errors and ensured ser­viceability of 954 items. He reinvigorated the fork­lift training program to certify two trainers and provide classes for 120 members, increasing capability by 77%. Ser­geant Swaim identified and processed 30 pieces of support equipment for turn-in and re-issuance. These overages saved $315,000 in major com­mand funding and re-pur­posed over 1,000 square feet of hanger space for deployment preparation. As a community emer­gency response volunteer, Swaim teamed with 350 members to augment first responders in emergency situations and natural di­sasters.

Master Sgt. Seth Ra­vert, 445th Operations Support Squadron air­crew flight equipment quality assurance man­ager, is the 445th Airlift Wing Senior NCO of the Quarter. Quarterbacking AFE’s quality assurance program, Ravert drove 978 equipment inspec­tions while instructing his team during 122 QA inspections, surpassing Headquarters Air Force’s 10% QA policy. A recog­nized expert, Air Mobility Command consulted him as a subject-matter ex­pert. He led AFE’s eight-person flyaway team that directly supported a large off-site survival train­ing event. Supplied with AFE’s gear, 70 aircrew experienced realistic wa­ter survival training with the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard with zero equipment failure. Ravert assisted in the transport of over 23,000 pounds of generators, medical sup­plies, livestock feed and hay, construction ma­terials and food to 150 families in North Carolina displaced due to flooding from Hurricane Helene.

Senior Airman Alexan­der Hall, 445th Logis­tics Readiness Squadron material management apprentice, is the 445th Airlift Wing Airman of the Quarter. Hall coordi­nated supply chain op­erations for high-demand aviation parts, ensuring 100% on-time delivery of critical assets to air­crews, resulting in zero delays for 12 scheduled missions and improving flight operations by 15%. He optimized the squad­ron’s parts accountabil­ity program by executing a bin inventory for eight aircraft. He inspected 107 assets valued at $867,000 and identified 11 discrep­ancies, ensuring asset availability for 200 flight hours and 37 sorties. Hall completed 200 mobility spares kit put aways, val­ued at $275,000, ensur­ing accurate inventory management and opera­tional efficiency for mo­bility assets for operation Vigilant Elk Exercise. He led a toy and school sup­ply drive, coordinating 12 volunteers to collect 500 items that benefited 100 children in need.