Commentary Search

  • Instructor duty: Times are changing

    Thick skin. Selfless perspective. Fearless leadership. When asked what I wanted my officer trainees to leave Officer Training School with, these three concepts defined my expectations.

  • Hey watch this: A discussion about fireworks

    As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s 243rd birthday, the unbridled enthusiasm we feel to ignite those grills, crack open a refreshing beverage, and throw out our backs in back yard playing football are quite appealing - well, maybe only partially true on the latter example.

  • Talking Politics? Know Your Limits

    Today’s political climate is, to say the least, spirited and vivacious. Whether it’s conversations around the dinner table, on the sidewalk downtown or at your weekly ukulele club meeting, politics seem to have taken center stage. No matter your political leaning, it is important to remember that

  • Let's have a cup of coffee

    Regardless of your profession, many of us have been in positions defining the required leadership and management qualifications as an expectation of our ability to execute our office. But like many things, no two are alike and not one will prevail without the help of another.

  • Spending more on gifts won’t bring more holiday happiness

    Commentary: The holidays are approaching once again, and so the season of gift giving is upon us. Its arrival is marked by barrages of nonsensical advertising and holiday specials on everything from sweatshirts to new cars to payday loans.

  • Mission first, people always

    “Mission first, people always.” This saying, or some variation of it, is common throughout the Air Force as a direction for good leadership. I admit, as a young NCO I often scoffed at it. I tend to look at things mathematically. If I’m going to dedicate myself 100 percent to the mission, how can I

  • New mantra must be 'People first, mission always'

    Today's Airmen are busy. Whether its high ops tempo, constant deployments or low manning, our Airmen are being asked to do more and more every day. Nothing is more important than accomplishing the mission -- except for taking care of the people you supervise.