445 FSS Airmen help wing maintain fitness readiness

  • Published
  • 445th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Each month, nearly 200 Citizen Airmen complete their physical fitness tests at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Wright Field Fitness Center and Tech. Sgt. Jennifer Godsey, 445th Force Support Squadron fitness NCO in charge, and Staff Sgt. Jared Dexter, fitness specialist, are the driving force behind the streamlined process

“As a team, Tech. Sgt. Godsey and I have overseen the administration of PFTs for the Wing since 2013,” Dexter said. “We have a team of rotating physical training leaders from different squadrons around the Wing, and we’re responsible for managing and directing up to 10 of them each unit training assembly.”

PFTs are an integral part of the Air Force mission, and Godsey said she keeps this at the forefront of her mind before each UTA.

“Physical fitness is a major aspect of readiness,” she said. “This test measures not only physical strength, but mental toughness.”

Facilitating the official tests is a big responsibility, according to Dexter.

“In a way, you’re handling people’s careers,” he said. “I always hope that everyone comes in here prepared and excited, and leaves feeling successful.”

To that end, the sergeants strive to create an environment of calm confidence, Godsey explained.

“We want to do everything we can to help our Wingmen succeed,” she said, “so it’s important to us that we convey confidence and try to lower the overall anxiety level surrounding testing.”


The Air Force uses an overall composite fitness score and minimum scores per component based on aerobic fitness, body composition and muscular fitness components to determine overall fitness.


The assessment components are comprised of; body composition evaluated by abdominal circumference measurements; aerobic component evaluated by the 1.5-mile timed run; muscular fitness component evaluated by the number of push-ups and sit-ups completed within one minute


More information about the Air Force Physical Fitness Test can be found in Air Force Instruction 36-2905, Fitness Program.