Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



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  • Air Force senior leaders direct IG review into racial disparity

    On 2 June 2020, Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein, and Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. Raymond directed the Department of the Air Force Inspector General to conduct a review into racial disparity in the Department of the Air Force.

  • Share Your Adventure

    Many Air Force reservists chat about their duty weekends with others, but that talk can be part of the “Get 1 Now” program to keep the Air Force Reserve strong by reaching new potential recruits.