Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



News Search


  • Aviation and Space Safety Pioneers in Black History

    Opportunities in the sciences of aviation and space were not always available to all people. A small few fought to be included and thus changed history. Black History Month exists because of pioneers similar to these who stood up to excel and achieve for those who were underrepresented in many

  • Keep safety in mind as summer ends

    The long Labor Day weekend marks the traditional end of summer and offers many service members, civilians and their families the final opportunity to take to the highways and byways for a summertime adventure. Emphasis on managing risk is key, not only for a holiday weekend that historically

  • Safe + Sound Week - Take the challenge

    Join in the Challenge! The Department of the Air Force partners with OSHA in Safe + Sound Week each August. Safe + Sound is a nationwide event to raise awareness about workplace safety. Safe + Sound Week is August 9-15, 2021.

  • Risks for Air Force Riders

    Whether in an automobile or on a motorcycle, the Air Force goal is always zero. Awareness of recurring factors that have contributed to past fatalities is one step we can all take in the prevention of losing our most important asset, our people.

  • Air Force recognizes Safe + Sound Week

    The Department of the Air Force partners with OSHA in Safe + Sound Week each August. Safe + Sound is a nationwide event to raise awareness about workplace safety.

  • Motorcycle Safety Training: What AF riders need to know

    Training season for motorcyclists is just around the corner, and as training gets into full swing, it may be helpful to shed some light on the Air Force’s training requirements, as well as what the proper acronyms are for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses. I’d also like to dispel some

  • Evolution of the Airman Safety App

    The evolution of the Air Force Safety Center’s Airman Safety App reached an important milestone with recent software updates Dec. 1, 2017.This simple, web-based tool provides a streamlined process for all Airmen, their families and anyone accessing the base to report safety issues as they encounter