Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



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  • Healy Testifies Before Defense Subcommittee

    Lt. Gen. John P. Healy, the chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, joined other senior Reserve and Guard leaders in      testifying before the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Tuesday.In addition to Healy, the panel of senior leaders included Gen.

  • Despite Continuing Resolution, It’s Business as Usual for Reservists

    While the Air Force will be operating under a continuing resolution again for the start of fiscal year 2023, Lt. Gen. John Healy wants Reserve Citizen Airmen to know the CR will not slow down Air Force Reserve Command.“Although we are facing another continuing resolution for at least the first part

  • 445th AW holds 9/11 remembrance ceremony

    Tech. Sgt. Molly Cook, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Honor Guard member, presents a flag to Col. Raymond Smith Jr., during the 445th Airlift Wing 9/11 remembrance ceremony Sept. 11, 2022.