Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



News Search


  • Air Force expects lower enlisted promotion rates

    The Air Force is expecting lower promotion rates for the next few years due to enlisted grade restructuring, a leveling-off of end-strength growth, and high retention levels. Based on structure revisions and end-strength requirements, grades E-5 through E-7 will be impacted.

  • CSAF Memo to Airmen: Leadership Library

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr.'s presents his Leadership Library. A chance to offer new books, podcasts and documentaries in order to generate regular conversations with Airmen on things that interest him and may interest them.