Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



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  • Air, Space Forces transition to AFWERX 3.0

    AFWERX will release a series of new initiatives in support of its 3.0 evolution. Air and Space Force leaders will detail new opportunities for stakeholder engagement during a live broadcast Dec. 14.

  • AFWERX announces virtual Accelerate Event from Dec. 7 to 11

    ARLINGTON, Va. (AFWERX) – AFWERX is announcing the inaugural Accelerate event being held virtually Dec. 7 to 11. The event will highlight how AFWERX is institutionalizing air and space innovation across the Department of the Air Force. It has grown from three successful innovation experiments into

  • Optimize aviation fuel? The Air Force wants your ideas

    In partnership with AFWERX, Air Force Operational Energy has launched an Airmen Powered by Innovation Challenge to solicit ideas on how to optimize aviation fuel for the Air Force, enabling greater combat capability, range and more efficient operations.

  • Voting for Spark Tank 2020 opens

    Spark Tank is an annual event in which Airmen pitch innovative ideas that build upon senior leader priorities to restore readiness, cost-effectively modernize and drive innovation.