Feature Search

  • Mass enlistment for 445th Reservists to be held at Ohio State

    New enlistees coming into the Air Force Reserves and current reservists assigned to the 445th Airlift Wing will be standing in front of a crowd of more than 10,000 football fans, the Ohio State football team and the Ohio State University Marching Band to take the Oath of Enlistment during the

  • LEAD - An Airman's opportunity for education and commission

    Similar to West Point and Annapolis, the Air Force Academy is the Air Force's own four-year military academy that educates and trains young men and women in academics, leadership, military training, character and athletics. Academy graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree and commission as a

  • Save the date for WPAFB Retiree Appreciation Day

    Military retirees in southwest Ohio, northern Kentucky and eastern Indiana may want to highlight Friday, Nov. 13 on their calendars. That's the date of the next Retiree Appreciation Day at the Hope Hotel here. The annual event features guest speakers, free medical screening, refreshments,

  • Computer programmed to find FOD wins the "Golden Bolt" prize

    There's a funny thing that I've noticed in life. People tend to gravitate to what interests them the most and actually take on some of the characteristics of their affinities. In this particular case, the connection is rocks and computers. On August 12, 1981, IBM introduced to the world, their first

  • Airmen can now apply to transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits

    Department of Defense officials began accepting applications from Airmen to transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to dependents June 29. "The Post-9/11 GI Bill transfer of benefits option is a landmark benefit to eligible Airmen," said Lt. Gen. Richard Newton III, deputy chief of staff for Air Force

  • Men's health is often women's work

    Doctors called it "the Clinton effect." After former President Bill Clinton's quadruple bypass, men started visiting doctors in droves to request cardiac tests or discuss their symptoms. As it turned out, Clinton had been ignoring chest pain for several months. He had also stopped taking a drug his