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  • Air Force Reserve Command leadership visits Ali Al Salem Air Base

    ALI AL SALEM AIR BASE, Kuwait -- U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of the Air Force Reserve Command, and Chief Master Sgt. Timothy C. White Jr., senior enlisted advisor to the Chief of the Air Force Reserve and command chief of the Air Force

  • Key Spouse Mentors gather virtually to share ideas, best practices

    Air Force Reserve Key Spouse Mentors from around the country came together virtually May 7, to share their ideas, struggles and best practices. The Key Spouse Mentors conference also provided guidance and education on a host of Reserve programs available, resiliency and wellness techniques.

  • Tricare Selected Reserve termination explained

    Office of the Secretary of Defense will allow members up to five months, instead of the original three-month period, to pay overdue premiums to have coverage reinstated and will honor any medical services and bills incurred during that time, once premiums are paid.

  • Changes, reminders for CY20 Stripes for Exceptional Performers II program

    The Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP II) program, formally known as the Promotion Enhancement Program (PEP), is a commander’s program designed to promote outstanding and well-deserving Air Force Reserve Airmen in Category A, members assigned to a unit, and Category B, Individual Mobilization

  • COVID-19: Important Information for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    In an effort to inform Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families with facts on COVID-19 effects, Air Force Reserve leaders encourage all to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page for the latest on the virus and how it is effecting the service.

  • COVID-19: Important Information for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    In an effort to inform Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families with facts on COVID-19 effects, Air Force Reserve leaders encourage all to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page for the latest on the virus and how it is effecting the service. The site contains the latest DoD and Air Force