Staff Sgts. Robert Gibson and Joshua Sweetman, 445th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighters, put out an aircraft structural fire during live-fire training, Sept. 9, 2022 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Eight members of the 445th Civil Engineer Squadron fire and emergency services teamed up with the 788th Civil Engineer Squadron fire department for a live-fire training exercise, Sept. 9, 2022.



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  • SECAF announces resignation

    Upon a favorable final vote by the regents, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced her resignation March 8, after serving in her position as the service’s top civilian since May 2017, to accept the role as president of the University of Texas at El Paso.

  • CSAF describes future of conflict

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein addressed the future of the Total Force, operations in space and the importance of a multi-domain, networked approach to warfare during an Air Force Association breakfast at the Mitchel Institute in Washington, D.C., July 26, 2017.The CSAF outlined

  • Air Force announces significant changes to Aviation Bonus Program

    As part of its retention efforts, the Air Force released details on the fiscal year 2017 Aviation Bonus Program (AvB) June 5, 2017. This year’s program implements an increase in maximum bonus amounts authorized in the fiscal 2017 National Defense Authorization Act in addition to more flexibility in

  • Significant changes to Aviation Bonus Program

    As part of its retention efforts, the Air Force released details on the fiscal year 2017 Aviation Bonus Program (AvB) June 5, 2017. This year’s program implements an increase in maximum bonus amounts authorized in the fiscal 2017 National Defense Authorization Act in addition to more flexibility in

  • Mattis welcomes new SecAF home

    Defense Secretary Jim Mattis ceremoniously swore in Heather Wilson as the 24th Secretary of the Air Force at the Pentagon May 16, 2017.

  • Air Force Chief Discusses Changing Face of War

    New technologies, new tactics, new threats, limited budgets -- all these have combined to change the face of warfare in the 21st century, and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein is among the leaders sorting out just what that will mean.